Risk Management
Health & Safety is simply risk management. For all leadership teams in business risk management is a daily occurrence, for example when considering insurance cover, financial stability of a supplier, product research and development but these examples have to some extent a measurable impact in terms of cost. Alternatively, Health and Safety cannot be accurately priced as a cost because it will all depend on something going wrong, the circumstances leading to the incident and the liability for the incident of the parties involved. If you’ve ever found yourself on the wrong end of a personal injury claim you will already know that it can cost several thousand pounds before you make it to court and that’s if you do make it to court.
The fact is that if you haven’t established who you owe a duty of care to, measured the risks and taken reasonable care to protect those exposed to those risks then you are putting your business at risk that could cost more in the long run than engaging the right help from the start.